Tehoetic and Qibre selling Replicant devices to consumers!

Replicant is a Free Software version of Android. For those that don’t “enjoy” building the “firmware” of their phone from scratch, the Replicant blog just posted a story about a vendor retrofiting Galaxy S, Galaxy S 2, and Galaxy Tab 2 devices with Replicant. This is roughly like how Ministry of Freedom installs Free Software (and firmware) onto old Thinkpads, but for Android-based devices. Excerpt of announcement:

Shops selling devices pre-installed with Replicant

A few months ago, we were contacted to discuss the endorsement of an online shop selling mobile devices pre-installed with Replicant: Qibre Computer Hardware. […] A few weeks ago, Tehnoetic also started selling devices pre-installed with Replicant and was featured on the FSF’s Ethical Tech Giving Guide. At this point, the following devices can be bought pre-installed with Replicant:

 * From Qibre: Galaxy S (I9000), Galaxy S 2 (I9100), Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx)
 * From Tehnoetic: Galaxy S 2 (I9100)

Note that 2% of each Tehnoetic S2 phone sale will be donated monthly to the Replicant project and 1% of each Tehnoetic S2 phone sale will be donated monthly to the F-Droid project, so buying devices actually helps Replicant move forward! Buying from these shops rather than third-party resellers also helps them secure money to get stocks of Replicant-supported devices in large quantities, so that it remains possible to buy them for a long time!

More information:

Shops selling devices pre-installed with Replicant
