Intel seeks senior security researcher

[Hmm, I don’t understand Intel org chart, but I’ve never heard of the Advanced Security Research Team, sounds like it is under Security Center of Excellence, which is under Platform Engineering Group (PEG)? Not to be confused with Intel Advanced Threat Research, which went off with the MkAfee split.]

“The Platform Engineering Group (PEG) is responsible for the design, development, and production of system-on-a-chip (SoC) products that go into Intel’s next generation client and mobile platforms. […] Intel Security Center of Excellence’s […] we would like you to join us as a proud member of Intel’s Advanced Security Research Team. Through your deep vulnerability analysis and mitigation development expertise, you will influence the security of a variety of Hardware, Firmware, Software & Systems spanning a range of products including Devices, Cloud, Auto, IOT, AI, VR, Drones, and Networks. Responsibilities include the following: Own emerging threat analysis, gain insights & know-how of evolving attack techniques, predict and extrapolate attack trends ahead of its occurrence, develop robust counter measures and mitigation.[…]

* 5+ years of experience in the field of system security research and excel in exploring software and hardware techniques as a method of attack against targets within the computing systems.
* Experience with spanning security expertise over HW, SW and Firmware domains.
* Knowledge of computer architecture CPU, SoC, chipsets, BIOS, Firmware, Drivers, and others

* Strong network in security community CISSP and/or other security certifications

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